Gregor Höfling
Gregor Höfling
Licence en Droit
Certified Specialist lawyer for construction and architectural law
Certified Specialist lawyer for administrative law
Languages: German, English, French
Telephone: +49 (0)621 – 12 64 60
German Bar Association (DAV)
Mannheim Bar Association (MAV)
Working Group Administrative Law Baden-Württemberg
Background & Professional Career
1989 – 1995 Law studies at the Ruprechts-Karls-Universität Heidelberg and at the Université I de Montpellier, France, graduating with a Licence en Droit
1995 1st State Examination in Law
1995 – 1997 Legal clerkship in Baden-Württemberg, 2nd state examination in law
1992 – 1997 Research Assistant at the Chair of Public Law, International Law and Philosophy of Law, Prof. Dr. Steinberger, University of Heidelberg
since 1996 lecturer in administrative law, European Community Law and constitutional law in Freiburg, Heidelberg, Mannheim and Stuttgart
since 2004 partner of the lawyers MAS&P
Tenders TED / SIMAP
2 Reviews of the decision of the Higher Regional Court Karlsruhe (15 Verg 3/13) on the discretionary decision in the cancellation of a public procurement procedure in accordance with § 17 VOB/A EG and on the use of bids not submitted for the purpose of a costing comparison (public procurement practice & law,
VPR 2013, 3623
Procedure according to VOF
RA Höfling, Publication VPR 2014, 12
RA Höfling, Publication VPR 2014, 26
Lectures on building and administrative law, building planning law, building code law and immission control law, including for owner protection associations